Quotes about Certainty
Suffering is unbearable if you aren't certain that God is for you and with you.
- Timothy Keller
Lord, I believe; help my unbelief' is the best any of us can do really, but thank God it is enough.
- Frederick Buechner
Seeing is never believing: we interpret what we see in the light of what we believe. Faith is confidence in God before you see God emerging, therefore the nature of faith is that it must be tried.
- Oswald Chambers
My faith runs so very much faster than my reason that I can challenge the whole world and say, 'God is, was and ever shall be'.
- Mahatma Gandhi
We operate by faith, which means that we have confidence in what God says, whether we fully understand it or not
- AW Tozer
Lives of faith are the great mirror of the dependability of God.
- John Piper
Audacity isn't the absence of uncertainty and ambiguity. Audacity is believing that God's promise is bigger than my 'perhaps'
- Steven Furtick
Either belief in God is unconditional or it is no belief at all.
- Viktor E. Frankl
Three things faith does: it reckons on God; it risks with God (and) it rests in God.
- Leonard Ravenhill
Faith takes God without any ifs. If God says anything, faith says, "I believe it"; faith says, "Amen" to it.
- DL Moody
It's not enough merely to believe there is a God. You must believe in the God who is there.
- Charles Swindoll
Living by faith isn't living with certainty. It's trusting God in spite of unanswered questions and unresolved doubts.
- Rick Warren