Quotes about Certainty
To place your trust in visible things is to live in despair.
- Thomas Merton
The one thing that seems to me morally certain is that this was really a grace, and a great grace.
- Thomas Merton
Faith is not faith until it is tested!
- Kay Arthur
You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.
- CS Lewis
You can't know, you can only believe - or not.
- CS Lewis
The sure path can only lead to death.
- Carl Jung
Consequences are unpitying. Our deeds carry their terrible consequences, quite apart from any fluctuations that went before—consequences that are hardly ever confined to ourselves. And it is best to fix our minds on that certainty, instead of considering what may be the elements of excuse for us.
- George Eliot
The one unchangeable certainty is that nothing is certain or unchangeable.
- John F. Kennedy
I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen. Not only because I see it, but because I see everything by it.
- CS Lewis
Belief is better than anything else, and it is best when rapt - above paying its respects to anybody's doubt whatsoever.
- Robert Frost
When I was young I was sure of everything; in a few years, having been mistaken a thousand times, I was not half so sure of most things as I was before; at present, I am hardly sure of anything but what God has revealed.
- John Wesley
Faith is nothing at all tangible. ... It is simply believing God; and like sight, it is nothing apart from its object. You might as well shut your eyes and look inside, and see whether you have sight, as to look inside to discover whether you have faith.
- Hannah Whitall Smith