Quotes about Certainty
When on the created level of existence man thinks God's thoughts after him, that is, when man thinks in self-conscious submission to the voluntary revelation of the self-sufficient God, he has therewith the only possible ground of certainty for his knowledge. When man thinks thus he thinks as a covenant creature should wish to think.
- Cornelius Van Til
Can you think of anything more permanently elating than to know that you are on the right road at last?
- Vernon Howard
A faith is a necessity to a man. Woe to him who believes in nothing.
- Victor Hugo
When you're in a burning building looking out of the twentieth story window down to the street and all you see is clouds of billowing smoke, you have to choose to believe the firemen below who tell you they have a safety net and it's safe to jump. When the clouds of smoke disappear, you don't have to believe any more: you see it. In this world, it's a leap in the dark; in the next world, it's a leap in the light.
- Peter Kreeft
God said it, that settles it.
- Peter Kreeft
The only honest reason for anyone ever to believe anything is that it is true, that it is really there.
- Peter Kreeft
Doesn't certainty about a universal negative require omniscience? Don't you have to have knowledge of everywhere to know that there is no X anywhere?
- Peter Kreeft
You can be just as certain that God will give you little pieces of Heaven, little appetizers for Heaven, for the rest of your life on earth as you can be certain that He will give you the fullness of Heaven when you die.
- Peter Kreeft
Hence the fact that some happen to doubt about articles of faith is not due to the uncertain nature of the truths, but to the weakness of human intelligence;
- Peter Kreeft
Pure truth is possible, but pure falsehood is not.
- Peter Kreeft
We must distinguish the act of faith from the object of faith, believing from what is believed.
- Peter Kreeft
The believed gospel saves; but it is the believed promise that assures us of this salvation.
- Horatius Bonar