Quotes about Strangers
All asylum seekers at our border should remind us that we are a nation of immigrants and that we were once strangers at the border.
- Jacky Rosen
Outside, among your fellows, among strangers, you must preserve appearances, 100 things you cannot do; but inside, the terrible freedom!
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
When he arrived he thought their flaws were normal; their disagreements ordinary. They were pleased by the accomplishments of their neighbors and their mockery of the lazy and the loose was full of laughter. Or used to be. Now, it seemed, the glacial wariness they once confined to strangers more and more was directed toward each other.
- Toni Morrison
Great perils have this fine characteristic, that they bring to light the fraternity of strangers.
- Victor Hugo
The word hospitality in the New Testament comes from two Greek words. The first word means love and the second word means strangers. Its a word that means love of strangers.
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
No," Daito said. "We're not. You're all strangers to us. For all we know, any one of you could be a Sixer spy.
- Ernest Cline
Alone, seated in a strange house filled with strangers, I felt as if I were in dangerous waters, swimming badly and out of my depth. I was plankton in an ocean of whales.
- Maya Angelou
Jesus tells us not to be misled by the voices of strangers. There are so many strange voices being heard in the religious world of our day. We must compare what they say with the Word of God.
- Billy Graham
The Bible says that as long as we are here on earth, we are strangers in a foreign land. There are enemies to be conquered before we return home. This world is not our home; our citizenship is in heaven.
- Billy Graham
Our children are our most important guests, who enter into our home, ask for careful attention, stay for a while and then leave to follow their own way. Children are strangers whom we have to get to know.
- Henri Nouwen
It is, as some modern Christian thinkers have said, what makes the Church what it really is. For that short time, when we gather as God's guests at God's table, the Church becomes what it is meant to be — a community of strangers who have become guests together and are listening together to the invitation of God.
- Rowan Williams
If you were not strangers here, the dogs of the world would not bark at you.
- Samuel Rutherford