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Quotes about Emotional

Live-tweeting your bikini wax is not vulnerability. Nor is posting a blow-by-blow of your divorce . That's an attempt to hot-wire connection. But you can't cheat real connection. It's built up slowly. It's about trust and time.
- Brene Brown
Tessa and I have grown up together. It's hard to explain our relationship because we've gone through so much together. It's so intense. It is so special. You can't really compare it and it's hard for people to understand it.
- Scott Moir
It is so much more difficult to live with one's body than with one's soul. One's body is so much more exacting: what it won't have it won't have, and nothing can make bitter into sweet.
- DH Lawrence
Pity may represent little more than the impersonal concern which prompts the mailing of a check, but true sympathy is the personal concern which demands the giving of one's soul.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
As any good therapist will tell you, you cannot heal what you do not acknowledge, and what you do not consciously acknowledge will remain in control of you from within, festering and destroying you and those around you.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
And to be fully honest, I think your heart needs to be broken, and broken open, at least once to have a heart at all or to have a heart for others.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
it's hard to be spiritually strong and mentally alert when you are emotionally stressed or physically fatigued.
- Rick Warren
When beauty is universal, it loses its power to move the heart, and only its absence can produce any emotional effect.
- Arthur C. Clarke
The best style of prayer is that which cannot be called anything else but a cry.
- Charles Spurgeon
Relationships are the hallmark of the mature person.
- Brian Tracy
You can't build a relationship with everybody in the room when you don't care about anybody in the room.
- John Maxwell
Look at you comforting others with the words you wish to hear.
- William Wordsworth