Quotes about Humanity
What is essential in a work of art is that it should rise far above the realm of personal life and speak to the spirit and heart of the poet as man to the spirit and heart of mankind.
- Carl Jung
The old appeals to racial, sexual and religious chauvinism to rabid nationalist fervor, are beginning not to work.
- Carl Sagan
Measuring sticks try to rank some people as big and some people as small - but we aren't sizes. We are souls. There are no better people or worse people - there are only God-made souls.
- Ann Voskamp
Wilberforce, because of his faith, stood up for African slaves. Bonhoeffer, because of his faith, stood up for Jews. That's Christianity to me.
- Eric Metaxas
The British media is sinking down, as the American news media has lowered the bar for all of humanity. British news media is definitely trying to stoop down to that level. Everyone is stooping to the lowest common denominator.
- John Oliver
You're never going to kill storytelling, because it's built into the human plan. We come with it.
- Margaret Atwood
There will always be storytelling, whether it's on the big silver screen, or it's your television or your iPhone or whatever, people will keep on telling stories.
- Stellan Skarsgard
I was asked by an NPR reporter once why don't I talk about race that often. I said, 'It's because I'm a neurosurgeon.' And she thought that was a strange response... I said, 'You see, when I take someone to the operating room, I'm actually operating on the thing that makes them who they are. The skin doesn't make them who they are.'
- Ben Carson
All asylum seekers at our border should remind us that we are a nation of immigrants and that we were once strangers at the border.
- Jacky Rosen
Because of the coexistence of sin and grace, we all shift between denying and affirming our humanity.
- Timothy Lane
Christ brings the assets. We bring the liabilities. Yet Christ still joins himself to us!
- Timothy Lane
Yet something keeps dragging us back to other people. We know we are less than human when we are all alone.
- Timothy Lane