Quotes about Humanity
Perhaps they suspected that I thought less of them because I knew it. (I'm too aware of human frailty to have let that happen. If anything, I thought more of them for wanting to face up to what they had done and for trying to change.)
- Harold S. Kushner
Good people will do good things, lots of them, because they are good people. They will do bad things because they are human.
- Harold S. Kushner
Pain is the price we pay for being alive. Dead cells—our hair, our fingernails—can't feel pain; they cannot feel anything. When we understand that, our question will change from, "Why do we have to feel pain?" to "What do we do with our pain so that it becomes meaningful and not just pointless empty suffering?
- Harold S. Kushner
Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are
- Harold S. Kushner
We must build a new world, a far better world -- one in which the eternal dignity of man is respected.
- Harry S. Truman
Selfishness and greed, individual or national, cause most of our troubles.
- Harry S. Truman
We believe that all men are created equal because they are created in the image of God.
- Harry S. Truman
Love is not a thing, it is not lost when given. You can offer your love completely to hundreds of people and still retain the same love you had originally.
- Leo Buscaglia
Man must never be satisfied with his ability to love. No matter where he is, it is always just the beginning.
- Leo Buscaglia
For this reason I believe that only humans are capable of true evil—only we can sit down and, in cold blood, work out ways to torture people, to inflict pain. Carefully plan horrific cruelty.
- Jane Goodall
But it's the way we have used the intellect that has made the mess, not the intellect per se.
- Jane Goodall
I think humanity at least has a shared understanding of what justice means.
- Jane Goodall