Quotes about Humanity
To live is to love. To love is to risk pain. To risk pain is to live. It's what it means to truly be human. As fragile as dust. The breaking of us. The making of us. The building up of our faith.
- Lysa TerKeurst
God gave us emotions. Emotions allow us to feel as we experience life. Because we feel, we connect.
- Lysa TerKeurst
Why did this happen? Because there's someone else in the world who would drown in their own tears if not for seeing yours.
- Lysa TerKeurst
To deny my feelings any voice is to rob me of being human. But to let my feelings be the only voice will rob my soul of healing perspectives with which God wants to comfort me and carry me forward.
- Lysa TerKeurst
When Adam and Eve chose to sin, their sin infected and infiltrated the goodness of all God had made. So, while there are still good things in this world, the world is no longer a perfect reflection of God's goodness.
- Lysa TerKeurst
People laughed at Jesus. People rejected Jesus. People misunderstood Jesus. We know this in theory, but as I sat on that rock that day, I suddenly realized what an everyday reality this was for Him. And because this was a reality for Him, He is the perfect one to turn to when rejection is a reality for us.
- Lysa TerKeurst
If the very downfall of humanity was caused when Eve surrendered to a temptation to eat something she wasn't supposed to eat, I do think our struggles with food are important to God.
- Lysa TerKeurst
I was so caught up in the rush of superficial things in my world that I missed hearing the cries for help in someone else's world.
- Lysa TerKeurst
Understand that no time showing up and bringing compassion to another human is ever a waste of time. Rather, it's our chance to bring context, purpose, and meaning to all of life. Quiet moments of compassion are epic moments of battle.
- Lysa TerKeurst
Obviously, the core of Eve's temptation was she wanted to be like God, knowing good and evil. But we can't ignore the fact that the serpent used food as a tool in the process. If the very downfall of humanity was caused when Eve surrendered to a temptation to eat something she wasn't supposed to eat, I do think our struggles with food are important to God.
- Lysa TerKeurst
So the human heart was created in the context of the perfection of the garden of Eden. But we don't live there now. This is why our instincts keep firing off the lie that perfection is possible. We have pictures of perfection etched into the very DNA of our souls.
- Lysa TerKeurst
And in that you will find the why. Why did this happen? Because there's someone else in the world who would drown in their own tears for not seeing yours.
- Lysa TerKeurst