Quotes about Humanity
May the death penalty, an unworthy punishment still used in some countries, be abolished throughout the world.
- Pope John Paul II
The fact that Jesus came to earth where he suffered and died does not remove pain from our lives. But it does show that God did not sit idly by and watch us suffer in isolation. He became one of us. Thus, in Jesus, God gives us an up-close and personal look at his response to human suffering. All our questions about God and suffering should, in fact, be filtered through what we know about Jesus.
- Philip Yancey
Why the delay? Why does God let evil and pain so flagrantly exist, even thrive, on this planet?...He holds back for our sakes. Re-creation involves us; we are, in fact, at the center of his plan...the motive behind all human history, is to develop us, not God. Our very existence announces to the powers in the universe that restoration is under way. Every act of faith by every one of the people of God is like the tolling of a bell, and a faith like Job's reverberates throughout the universe.
- Philip Yancey
Don't judge Christ by those of us who imperfectly bear his name.
- Philip Yancey
Jesus, who did not sin, also felt pain.
- Philip Yancey
Jesus honored the dignity of people, whether he agreed with them or not. He would not found his kingdom on the basis of race or class or other such divisions.
- Philip Yancey
I could no more pray the Our Father, I could no longer call myself a Christian, if I refuse to forgive. Humanly speaking, I cannot do it, but God will give us his strength!
- Philip Yancey
Make it so the poor are no longer despised and thrown away. Look at them standing about — like wildflowers, which have nowhere else to grow.
- Philip Yancey
A cease-fire between human beings depends upon a cease-fire with God.
- Philip Yancey
Homeless people bear God's image too.
- Philip Yancey
Politics deals with externals: borders, wealth, crimes. Authentic forgiveness deals with the evil in a person's heart, something for which politics has no cure.
- Philip Yancey
Contrary to nature's rule of "survival of the fittest," we humans measure civilization by how we respond to the most vulnerable and the suffering.
- Philip Yancey