Quotes about Humanity
One impulse from a vernal wood May teach you more of man, Of moral evil and of good, Than all the sages can.
- William Wordsworth
A deep distress hath humanised my soul.
- William Wordsworth
Society has parted man from man, neglectful of the universal heart.
- William Wordsworth
The Man of Science seeks truth as a remote and unknown benefactor; he cherishes and love it in his solitude: the Poet, singing a song in which all human beings join with him, rejoices in the presence of truth as our visible friend and hourly companion.
- William Wordsworth
No other than the very heart of man, As found among the best of those who live-- Not unexalted by religious faith, Nor uninformed by books, good books, though few-- In Nature's presence: thence may I select Sorrow, that is not sorrow, but delight; And miserable love, that is not pain To hear of, for the glory that redounds Therefrom to human kind, and what we are.
- William Wordsworth
The charities that soothe, and heal, and bless, are scattered at the feet of man, like flowers.
- William Wordsworth
I have slept Weeping, and weeping I have waked; my tears Have flow'd as if my body were not such As others are, and I could never die.
- William Wordsworth
The wars of peoples will be more terrible than those of kings.
- Winston Churchill
If you think about what you ought to do for other people, your character will take care of itself.
- Woodrow Wilson
We are citizens of the world. The tragedy of our times is that we do not know this.
- Woodrow Wilson
No man can rationally live, worship, or love his neighbour on an empty stomach.
- Woodrow Wilson
Jesus is the best clue we have as to what God is like and He is consistently gracious and merciful, especially to those who are failures. He is harsh to uptight, judgmental people, but merciful and gracious to the failures. He seems to draw out the smallest kernel of faith in each person that He's with. So, I presume that that's the way God is going to judge humanity.
- Philip Yancey