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Quotes about Humanity

Why did you give Querry Deo Gratias?' 'He's cured, but he's a burnt-out case, and I don't want to send him away. He can sweep a floor and make a bed without fingers or toes.' 'Our visitors are sometimes fastidious.' 'I assure you Querry doesn't mind. In fact he asked for him.
- Graham Greene
It is only if the murderer is a good man that he can be regarded as monstrous.
- Graham Greene
Not many men can have been so loved or have been forgiven so much [...]
- Graham Greene
We are to engage in this behavior not out of duty to an abstract ethic, but because the life of the one who came under all humanity on Calvary is pumping kingdom life through our veins. We are part of the growing revolutionary kingdom he began and is continuing to grow. It is a kingdom that looks like him, a kingdom in which the greatest is the one who serves others (Matt. 20:26; Luke 22:26—27).
- Gregory Boyd
At that moment they ceased being human beings and began to be human doings.
- Gregory Boyd
We miss the full force of the imago Dei concept if we simply identify it with various ways humans are distinct from animals (e.g., reason, morality, love). The biblical concept instructs us as to how we are like God, not just how we are different from animals. To discover the meaning of the imago Dei, we must pay close attention to the way Scripture speaks about it.
- Gregory Boyd
This understanding of God provides the key to understanding what the Bible means when it declares that humans are made "in the image of God." The imago Dei means that humans, like God, are essentially beings who exist in relationship. We are created to exist in relationship with God and with each other. To the extent that we live in isolation from God and from each other, we are not fully human.
- Gregory Boyd
These observations strongly support the understanding that "us" refers to God in his Triune nature, and therefore, that the imago Dei refers to our relationality. Like God, we are created to live life as an "us," not just as an "I."
- Gregory Boyd
The most important anchor, and therefore our "greatest help and blessing," St. Teresa noted, is the fact that in Christ God became a man, hence someone we can concretely envision in our minds when we pray.
- Gregory Boyd
An honest examination of Scripture leads to the conclusion that the Bible is thoroughly inspired but also thoroughly human. The human element in Scripture reflects the limitations and fallibility that are a part of all human perspectives and all human thinking. This human element can be clearly seen in at least three areas of Scripture.
- Gregory Boyd
Whenever people are separated by racism, the church is to work to manifest the one new humanity Jesus died to create (Eph 2:14).
- Gregory Boyd
What makes a human being human? When does a human being become a person? When does a human being cease to be a person? What is the significance of being human? Is there an inherent value with inherent rights that go along with being human? These
- Gregory Boyd