Quotes about Sexuality
porn stars are only objects for our sexual gratification, not real people.
- Tucker Max
She knew that there were all kinds of ways to make a conquest and that one of the surest roads to a woman's genitals was through her sadness.
- Milan Kundera
We tap our toes to chaste love songs about the silvery moon without recognizing them as hymns to copulation.
- Barbara Kingsolver
People often ask if it is difficult to be a celibate monk or nun, but to practice mindfulness as a monastic is in many ways easier than to practice as a layperson. To refrain from sexual activity altogether is much easier than to have a healthy sexual relationship.
- Thich Nhat Hanh
When you sexually reconnect, you feel the effects of this neurochemical cement. Learning to disregard this cement (which you must eventually do to break things off) will undercut the positive effects it has in marriage. You must train yourself to ignore what God created you to pay attention to.
- Gary Thomas
You don't have to choose between your faith and your sexuality. You're not alone, things will get better, and God loves you exactly the way you are.
- Vicky Beeching
I would argue that masturbation is the human animal's most important adaptation. The very cornerstone of our technological civilization.
- Ernest Cline
I like how it presented this contradiction because traditionally gay people have been shut out from the church, so 'Sanctify' was claiming a bit of that back and saying, 'My sexuality is holy.'
- Olly Alexander
The truth is that Jesus didn't come to rescue us from our humanity; He entered into our humanity to rescue us from our sinfulness. He didn't come to save us from being sexual creatures; He became one of us to save us from the reign of sin and lust, which ruins our sexuality. That
- Joshua Harris
Peer pressure accounts for much of the promiscuous sex in high schools and colleges. "Conform or get lost." Since no one enjoys losing friends or being cast out of his own circle, peer pressure—especially during the years of adolescence—is an almost irresistible force.
- Billy Graham
Society has become so obsessed with sex that it seeps from all the pores of our national life.
- Billy Graham
We are going through a sexual tempest, a bombardment provided by unprecedented exploitation of cheap sex by moviemakers, theater owners, publishers, and producers of pornography. [There is more] openness of talk about sex, acceptance of public nudity … homosexuality. Sex revolution, no! But sex pollution? Yes!!
- Billy Graham