Quotes about Sexuality
a man doesn't prove he's a man by getting an erection. He's only a real man if he can pleasure a woman. And if he can pleasure a prostitute, he'll think he's the best lover on the block -Nyah
- Paulo Coelho
Prostitutes dress obviously, so as to draw attention. It's their business, isn't it? The last thing that a Christian woman is thinking of is being like a prostitute.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Rather than continuing on the normal sexual path toward pain, emptiness, and idolatry, you can allow God to heal you, change the way you think, and place deliberate safeguards in your life to protect you.
- Craig Groeschel
I have straight married friends that other friends think are gay, and I have gay friends who don't throw that vibe at all. I know there's a full range out there, but I feel that gay men who aren't flamboyant are underrepresented on-screen.
- David Walton
Freud's view is that all love is sexual in its origin or its basis. Even those loves which do not appear to be sexual or erotic have a sexual root or core. They are all sublimations of the sexual instinct.
- Mortimer Adler
Because females and males together complete the physical expression of God's image in humanity, the devil is promoting homosexuality and lesbianism.
- Loren Cunningham
I believe that all of us are born heterosexual, physically created with a plumbing that's heterosexual, and created with the instincts and desires that are basically, fundamentally, heterosexual.
- Jerry Falwell
Its avowed purpose is to excite sexual desire, which, I should have thought, is unnecessary in the case of the young, inconvenient in the case of the middle aged, and unseemly in the old.
- Malcolm Muggeridge
This street quote actually was made into a T-shirt. Erotica is a word that can differentiate sex from violence and rescue mutual sexual pleasure. It comes from the Greek root eros, meaning "love," and has no gender. Pornography comes from porne, meaning "female sex slave." They are as different as a room with doors open and a room with doors locked. Until we finally separate sexuality from aggression, there will be way more pornography than erotica
- Gloria Steinem
The simple right to reproductive freedom—to sexuality as an expression that is separable from reproduction—is basic to restoring women's power, the balance between women and men, and a balance between humans and nature.
- Gloria Steinem
I write about what I know: teenage dating, overly charged sexuality, all the things that make you uncomfortable.
- Bo Burnham
Things like sex-change reassignment surgery and hormone treatment, gender fluidity, the legalization of prostitution, marriage to robots, third-trimester abortion, and the war on freedom of speech and religious liberty are dehumanizing and represent Satan's final goal of completely erasing the image of God in man. The Lord Jesus Christ wants us to enjoy the abundant life (John 10:
- Terry James