Quotes about Damage
It's not what we don't know that hurts us," people say. "It's what we believe is true that isn't that does the damage." There
- Melody Beattie
The reason the world emits so much greenhouse gas is that—as long as you ignore the long-term damage they do—our current energy technologies are by and large the cheapest ones available. So moving our immense energy economy from "dirty," carbon-emitting technologies to ones with zero emissions will cost something.
- Bill Gates
But maybe he was destructive by nature since he messed up every girl he touched.
- Margaret Atwood
When we recognize the fraud for what it is, we feel incredibly stupid. Something more than our bank accounts is damaged—our egos are damaged. As a result, it's almost impossible for the marketer to regain our trust.
- Seth Godin
We are certainly damaged people. The question is, finally, do we use that damage, that first-hand knowledge of oppression, to recognize each other, to do what work we can together? Or do we use it to destroy?
- Barbara Smith
Jealousy and stupidity really do most of the harm that is done in the world.
- LM Montgomery
Nobody can do as much damage to the church of God as the man who is within its walls, but not within its life.
- Charles Spurgeon
Most damage that others do us is out of fear, humiliation and pain. Those feelings occur in all of us, not just in those of us who profess a certain religious or racial devotion.
- Alice Walker
God is faithful. My heart is strong. I have no heart damage. My arteries are not blocked. There is no arterial damage.
- Benny Hinn
if God took his hands off this fallen world so that there were no restraint on human wickedness, we would make hell. Thus if you allow a whole lot of sinners to live somewhere in a confined place where they're not doing damage to anyone but themselves, what do you get but hell? There's a sense in which they're doing it to themselves, and it's what they want because they still don't repent.
- Lee Strobel
Satan must grin wickedly when he sees our gossip disguised as a prayer request or a need to get a third person's opinion. It just adds fuel to Satan's fire as the problem becomes widespread and relationships are damaged.
- Anne Graham Lotz
The fabric of our complex society is woven too tightly to permit any part of it to be damaged without damaging the whole.
- Joe Biden