Quotes about Speaking
The Word is, by definition, immanent in the divinity and active in the world, and as such the Father's revelation. A revelation of the Father without the Logos and his incarnation would be like speaking without words.
- Karl Rahner
If theology is to speak adequately of the gospel of Jesus Christ, it must be thoroughly committed to hearing "the powerful witness of the 'tremendous' Word that always speaks against us so that we can learn to stop speaking against it.
- GC Berkouwer
The Lord said to Moses, "See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh." —Exodus 7:1 Jesus gives us the same privilege God gave to Moses—to speak for Him to a hostile world.
- Brother Andrew
I think pastors are the worst listeners. We're so used to speaking, teaching, giving answers. We must learn to be quiet, quit being so verbal, learn to pay attention to what's going on, and listen.
- Eugene Peterson
Communication is the most important skill in life. We spend most of our waking hours communicating. But consider this: You've spent years learning how to read and write, years learning how to speak. But what about listening? What training or education have you had that enables you to listen so that you really, deeply understand another human being from that individual's own frame of reference?
- Stephen Covey
That I survived the Holocaust and went on to love beautiful girls, to talk, to write, to have toast and tea and live my life - that is what is abnormal.
- Elie Wiesel
A place of worship is a place for listening—listening to God speak. But it is also a place for answering, responding to what is spoken. God's words initiate a conversation. We come together as a congregation in worship to speak "through prayer and praise" with the God who speaks with us.
- Eugene Peterson
It is this fusion of God speaking to us (Scripture) and our speaking to him (prayer) that the Holy Spirit uses to form the life of Christ in us.
- Eugene Peterson
The practice of prayer, if it is going to amount to anything more than wish lists and complaints, requires a recovery of personal, relational, revelational language in both our listening and our speaking.
- Eugene Peterson
I was ordained into the ministry through my local church in February of 2000. I had already been doing a lot of speaking. So basically, my vocation in life changed and I went from a professional wrestler to a itinerate preacher.
- Ted DiBiase Sr.
I know many writers who first dictate passages, then polish what they have dictated. I speak, then I polish - occasionally I do windows.
- Ed Koch
Speaking the truth in love, let us grow in every way into Him who is the head—Christ. Ephesians 4:15
- Beth Moore