Quotes about Angels
It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.
- St. Augustine
Loving God, help us remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and the worship of the wise men.
- Robert Louis Stevenson
To be a saint is to be an exception; to be a true man is the rule. Err, fail, sin if you must, but be upright. To sin as little as possible is the law for men; to sin not at all is a dream for angels. All earthly things are subject to sin; if is like the force of gravity.
- Victor Hugo
Oh, love! That is to be two, and yet one. A man and a woman joined, as into an angel; that is heaven!
- Victor Hugo
The poor man shuddered inside, flooded with an angelic bliss; he told himself in a burst of joy that this would last all his life; he
- Victor Hugo
The presence of angels is an announcement of Paradise.
- Victor Hugo
You have suffered greatly, poor mother. Oh ! do not lament, you have now the portion of the elect. It is in this way that mortals become angels. It is not their fault ; they do not know how to set about it otherwise. This hell from which you have come out is the first step towards Heaven. We must begin by that.
- Victor Hugo
God loves us and seeks our redemption, at times through angels.
- Scot McKnight
What know we of the Blest above but that they sing, and that they love?
- William Wordsworth
It may be that when the angels go about their task of praising God, they play only Bach. I am sure, however, that when they are together en famille they play Mozart and that then too our dear Lord listens with special pleasure.
- Karl Barth
It may be that when the angels go about their task praising God, they play only Bach. I am sure, however, that when they are together en famille they play Mozart.
- Karl Barth
Fallen angels could not enter sanctuaries of God. The moment they crossed the threshold, the house of worship would go up in flames, incinerating every mortal inside.
- Lauren Kate