Quotes about Angels
Grant that I may worship and pray unto Thee with as much reverence and godly fear, as if I saw the heavens open and all the angels that stand around Thy throne. Amen.
- William Law
Viewed properly, there is only one duty, that of love, which is the fulfillment of the law (Romans 13:10). And there actually is only one object of that law- namely, God. Everything else- people, angels, nature, art, and so forth-may and must be only in God and for God. The sole end of all things, ourselves, our neighbors, the state, and the like- is God's glory. Pg. 101
- Herman Bavinck
One is struck in the study of saints, angels and gods by a pattern that seems quaint and harmless. Yet, it is so common that I know there must be a deeper meaning. There always seem to be guardians and spirits of doors, bridges, exits and entranceways.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Each angel that God created was in himself a masterpiece. Each one possessed his own degree of intelligence and his own beauty.
- Mother Angelica
God loves good men more than bad men, as He loves angels more than men
- Peter Kreeft
But God loves men more than angels in intensity, because He became one of us
- Peter Kreeft
But we can influence (not compel) each other's choices through the mediating channels of imagination and emotion. So can angels. They can't put judgments in your mind or choices in your will, but they can put images in your imagination and feelings in your heart. (Feelings don't compel you either; your will can choose whether to follow your feelings or not.)
- Peter Kreeft
Each angel is inferior or superior to every other angel. From the fact that angels are pure spirits it logically follows that they are unequal.
- Peter Kreeft
Angels are made of pure spirit (mind and will) without matter, without bodies. Therefore they must communicate by mental telepathy.
- Peter Kreeft
If the unhappiness of the wicked angels comes at length to an end, the happiness of the good will also come to an end, which is inadmissible.
- Peter Kreeft
Belief in angels makes an even bigger difference if you believe in God and pray, because your prayers to God to send angel help will be answered.
- Peter Kreeft
God is infinite bodiless spirit, your soul is finite embodied spirit, and angels are finite bodiless spirits.
- Peter Kreeft