Quotes about Authenticity
Understanding that we are forgiven and cleansed, and knowing who we are in Christ sets us free from the need to impress others. As long as we know who we are, we don't have to be overly concerned about what others think of us. Once we know who we are and accept ourselves, we no longer have anything to prove. When we have nothing to prove we can relax and be at ease in every situation.
- Joyce Meyer
You are not free until you have no need to impress anybody.
- Joyce Meyer
Love Others Today: Take an honest inventory of your relationships. Are you trying to buy anyone's friendship for your own benefit instead of blessing that person out of sincere love?
- Joyce Meyer
Too often we get caught up in our own words concerning prayer. Sometimes we try to pray so long, loud, and fancy that we lose sight of the fact that prayer is our conversation with God. The length or loudness or eloquence of our prayer is not the issue; it is the sincerity of our heart and the confidence we have that God hears and will answer us that is important.
- Joyce Meyer
Years ago I heard a well-known Bible teacher say, "If you want to find a spiritual person, don't look in the church." He said that because in church you can't tell who is real and who is putting
- Joyce Meyer
We're all different. You can't be somebody else, so you might as well get good at being who you are.
- Joyce Meyer
Knowing who we are in Christ sets us free from the need to impress others. As long as we know who we are, we don't have to be overly concerned about what others think of us. Once we know who we are and accept ourselves, we no longer have anything to prove. When we have nothing to prove we can relax and be at ease in every situation.
- Joyce Meyer
Many people will never succeed at being themselves because they cannot even get into agreement with God.
- Joyce Meyer
It's very easy to find fault with ourselves and think we need to be like someone else. Be who you are and don't try to be a copy!
- Joyce Meyer
Please remember that you don't have to be like someone else to be acceptable. The world's standards are not God's. The world may say you need to be like this person or that person, but God's will is that you be yourself. I
- Joyce Meyer
Confidence allows us to face life with boldness, openness, and honesty. It enables us to live without worry and to feel safe. It enables us to live authentically.
- Joyce Meyer
Notice there's nothing provided to protect our backside! That's because God never intended us to run from our enemies. His plan was and still is that, with Him at our side, we confront any issue in our life that is a problem. People are so skilled at not facing real issues, and they're even better at trying to cover them up by living make-believe lives and inventing false personalities. It is time to take a stand and confront fear!
- Joyce Meyer