Quotes about Authenticity
way. Part of the sanctification process of the Holy Spirit is to strip away the false constructs we have accumulated and enable our true selves to emerge.
- Peter Scazzero
The vast majority of us go to our graves without knowing who we are. We unconsciously live someone else's life, or at least someone else's expectations for us. This does violence to ourselves, our relationship with God, and ultimately to others.
- Peter Scazzero
Why is it that so many Christians make such lousy human beings?
- Peter Scazzero
I truly believe the greatest gift we can give the world is our true self living in loving union with God.
- Peter Scazzero
For this reason the famous Hasidic story of Rabbi Zusya remains so important for us today: Rabbi Zusya, when he was an old man, said, "In the coming world, they will not ask me: 'Why were you not Moses?' They will ask me, 'Why were you not Zusya?
- Peter Scazzero
the result of denying and minimizing our wounds over many years is that we become less and less human, empty Christian shells with painted smiley faces.
- Peter Scazzero
The degree to which you recognize and engage your own shadow is the degree to which you can free others to face theirs.
- Peter Scazzero
are deeply loved by God for who we are, not for what we do.
- Peter Scazzero
Your being with God (or lack of being with God) will trump, eventually, your doing for God every time. We cannot give what we do not possess. We cannot help but give what we do possess.
- Peter Scazzero
Not only does God not reject or punish us for being honest and transparent about our whole selves, but he actually accepts and loves us where we are. We are anchored in God's love as he gives us permission to express ourselves—the bad along with the good—and take care of ourselves in an appropriate way.
- Peter Scazzero
One of our greatest obstacles in knowing God is our own lack of self-knowledge. So we end up wearing a mask—before God, ourselves, and other people. And we can't become self-aware if we cut off our humanity out of fear of our feelings. This fear leads to unwillingness to know ourselves as we truly are and stunts our growth in Christ.
- Peter Scazzero
In short order, here are the top ten symptoms of emotionally unhealthy spirituality: Using God to run from God Ignoring anger, sadness, and fear Dying to the wrong things Denying the impact of the past on the present Dividing life into "secular" and "sacred" compartments Doing for God instead of being with God Spiritualizing away conflict Covering over brokenness, weakness, and failure Living without limits Judging other people's spiritual journey
- Peter Scazzero