Quotes about Authenticity
She was a literal speaker. What she expressed she both felt and was.
- Alice Walker
I am an expression of the divine, just like a peach is, just like a fish is. I have a right to be this way...I can't apologize for that, nor can I change it, nor do I want to... We will never have to be other than who we are in order to be successful...We realize that we are as ourselves unlimited and our experiences valid. It is for the rest of the world to recognize this, if they choose.
- Alice Walker
I am an expression of the divine, just like a peach is, just like a fish is. I have a right to be this way...I can't apologize for that, nor can I change it, nor do I want to... We will never have to be other than who we are in order to be successful...We realize that we are as ourselves unlimited and our experiences valid. It is for the rest of the world to recognize this, if they choose
- Alice Walker
Be happy with who God made you to be, and quit wishing you were something different.
- Joel Osteen
If people talk about you, being jealous, critical, and trying to make you look bad, don't let that change you. You don't need their approval when you have God's approval.
- Joel Osteen
You're not really free until you know you're not competing with anyone else. This
- Joel Osteen
After all God doesn't want you to be an imitation of someone else. You should be the original you were created to be. There is an anointing on your life, an empowerment. Not to be somebody else, but to be you. If you let people squeeze you into their molds and you bow down to their pressure to try to please your critics, it not only takes away your uniqueness, but it also lessens the favor on your life.
- Joel Osteen
If you will get free from what everyone else thinks and start being who you were created to be, you will rise to a new level.
- Joel Osteen
Quit comparing your gifts, your looks, your success to someone else. Be you! You are powerful, you are anointed, you are gifted, you are beautiful. Nobody can do you like you can do you.
- Joel Osteen
When you're comfortable with who you are, when you're not trying to impress people, you're not trying to be something that you're not, then your own uniqueness will come out. You'll be more creative. Your talent will come out in greater ways. The right people will show up. Why? Because you've stepped into the anointing on your life. Be you. You are powerful when you're you. Here's a key: Nobody can beat you at being you.
- Joel Osteen
The whole key is to be you, because when you're you, you activate your anointing. There's a favor, a blessing, a grace that is unique to your life.
- Joel Osteen
It's hard to be something that you're not. It's hard to keep everyone happy, wear different masks, and pretend, depending on who you're with. You know what's easy: being you, being real, being vulnerable.
- Joel Osteen