Quotes about Causes
the "axe is to be laid to the root of the tree," — the deeds of the flesh are to be mortified in their causes, from whence they spring.
- John Owen
It is not time to dissolve the bands that connect us to one another, but it is time to dissolve the "political" bands that separate us from one another... Let us start by doing what we've been trained for so long not to do: let us declare the causes that unite us.
- Glenn Beck
The more simple any thing is, the less liable it is to be disordered, and the easier repaired when disordered . . . Absolute governments, (tho' the disgrace of human nature) have this advantage with them, they are simple; if the people suffer, they know the head from which their suffering springs; know likewise the remedy; and are not bewildered by a variety of causes and cures.
- Thomas Paine
good thinking deals with causes and effects and leads to logical, constructive planning; bad thinking frequently leads to tension and nervous breakdowns. I
- Dale Carnegie
This new war, like the previous one, would be a test of the power of machines against people and places; whatever its causes and justifications, it would make the world worse. This was true of that new war, and it has been true of every new war since... I knew too that this new war was not even new but was only the old one come again. And what caused it? It was caused, I thought, by people failing to love one another, failing to love their enemies.
- Wendell Berry
Selfishness and greed, individual or national, cause most of our troubles.
- Harry S. Truman
Fear, worry, hate, supreme selfishness, and the inability to adjust themselves to the world of reality—these were largely the causes of their stomach illnesses and stomach ulcers
- Dale Carnegie
So much worse are the consequences of anger than its causes.
- Marcus Aurelius
Suffering has causes which can be illuminated in order to be removed
- Thich Nhat Hanh
Whenever you believe that the evil outside you is greater than the evil inside you, a heartfelt pursuit of Christ will be replaced by a zealous fighting of the "evil" around you. A celebration of the grace that rescues you from your own sin will be replaced by a crusade to rescue the church from the ills of the surrounding culture. Christian maturity becomes defined as a willingness to defend right from wrong. The gospel is reduced to participation in Christian causes.
- Timothy Lane
You don't love causes. You don't love everybody indiscriminately. You love only those who deserve it.
- Ayn Rand
And yet there succeeded, not indeed other griefs, yet the causes of other griefs. For whence had that former grief so easily reached my very inmost soul, but that I had poured out my soul upon the dust, in loving one that must die, as if he would never die?
- St. Augustine