Quotes about Addressing
It seems, then, that the purpose of 3:14—15 is not to introduce a new name, but to underscore the precise identity of the God who is now addressing Moses.
- Peter Enns
“Lord,” said Peter, “are You addressing this parable to us, or to everyone else as well?”
- Luke 12:41
Why then does the civil rights establishment avoid addressing the real problems causing black suffering? Because deep down, they are more angry at white people than they are in love with black people.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
But their minds were made dull . . . a veil covers their hearts" (2 Cor. 3:14—15). Notice this: a veil that first covers the face eventually covers the heart. It begins as just a superficial covering, a temporary attempt to cover up a problem rather than addressing it head-on. But left unchecked, the hidden problem will become a serious spiritual condition.
- Craig Groeschel
And let's be honest, if we weren't ever disappointed, we'd settle for the shallow pleasures of this world rather than addressing the spiritual desperation of our souls.
- Lysa TerKeurst
So when we're really addressing issues like poverty, you can't do that without addressing the real driver of some of those, which is stable homes, families. So that's why to me those issues are important. They're not frivolous. They're critical economic issues.
- Mike Huckabee
I do think that a minister who can preach a sermon without addressing sinners does not know how to preach.
- Charles Spurgeon
Some amount of support from government and regulator is required when you are looking at resolving systemic issues.
- Arundhati Bhattacharya
Thus I suggest that prophetic ministry has to do not primarily with addressing specific public crises but with addressing, in season and out of season, the dominant crisis that is enduring and resilient, of having our alternative vocation co-opted and domesticated.
- Walter Brueggemann