Quotes about Segregation
To accept injustice or segregation passively is to say to the oppressor that his actions are morally right.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
In many ways, history is marked as 'before' and 'after' Rosa Parks. She sat down in order that we all might stand up, and the walls of segregation came down.
- Jesse Jackson
The tragedy of religion is partly due to its isolation from life, as if God could be segregated.
- Abraham Joshua Heschel
I feel that segregation is totally unchristian, and that it is against everything the Christian religion stands for.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Segregation shaped me education liberated me.
- Maya Angelou
Segregation is that which is forced upon an inferior by a superior. Separation is done voluntarily by two equals.
- Malcolm X
America was built on segregation. It's gonna stay segregated until everyone's equal, and that ain't gonna happen when it's a capitalistic society.
- MC Ren
Suffering naturally gives rise to doubt. How can one believe in God in the face of such horrendous suffering as slavery, segregation, and the lynching tree? Under these circumstances, doubt is not a denial but an integral part of faith. It keeps faith from being sure of itself. But doubt does not have the final word. The final word is faith giving rise to hope.
- James H. Cone
Now the goal of Dr. Martin Luther King is to give Negroes a chance to sit in a segregated restaurant beside the same white man who has brutalized them for four hundred years.
- Malcolm X
Integration will not bring a man back from the grave.
- Malcolm X
A God who is good knows no segregation amongst words or names. And were a God to deny his blessing to those who pursue a different path to eternity, there would be no human who should offer worship.
- Khalil Gibran