Quotes about Self-discovery
I'll walk, but not in old heroic traces, And not in paths of high morality, And not among the half-distinguished faces, The clouded forms of long-past history. I'll walk where my own nature would be leading: It vexes me to choose another guide: Where the grey flocks in ferny glens are feeding; Where the wild wind blows on the mountain side.
- Emily Bronte
Why act the part of a Jew when you're Greek? Don't you know why it is that a person is called a Jew, Syrian, or Egyptian? And when we see someone hesitating between two creeds, we're accustomed to say, 'He is no Jew, but is merely acting the part.' But when he assumes the frame of mind of one who has been baptized * and has made his choice, then he really is a Jew, and is called by that name.
- Epictetus
I didn't try to copy my dad or fit into the pressure or the mold that everybody tried to make me fit into.
- Joel Osteen
I feel more at home knowing I'm not really at home. It takes all the pressure off you trying to fit in!
- John Oliver
I know that somewhere deep down I have the ability to act. I just need a chance to prove it.
- Frank Sinatra Jr.
In my life, being true to myself certainly hasn't made things easier. You could never accuse me of taking the path of least resistance.
- Lady Colin Campbell
Rabbi Zusya, when he was an old man, said, "In the coming world, they will not ask me: 'Why were you not Moses?' They will ask me, 'Why were you not Zusya?' "4 The true vocation for every human being is, as Kierkegaard said, "the will to be oneself.
- Peter Scazzero
The critical issue on the journey with God is not "Am I happy?" but "Am I free?
- Peter Scazzero
The vast majority of us go to our graves without knowing who we are.
- Peter Scazzero
The true vocation for every human being is, as Kierkegaard said, "the will to be oneself."5
- Peter Scazzero
way. Part of the sanctification process of the Holy Spirit is to strip away the false constructs we have accumulated and enable our true selves to emerge.
- Peter Scazzero
The vast majority of us go to our graves without knowing who we are. We unconsciously live someone else's life, or at least someone else's expectations for us. This does violence to ourselves, our relationship with God, and ultimately to others.
- Peter Scazzero