Quotes about Acceptance
This is the present moment. Learn how to gobble it up without fear or guilt.
- Paulo Coelho
When we can do nothing else, we can still love, without expecting any reward or change or gratitude.
- Paulo Coelho
Christ surrounded himself with beggars, prostitutes, tax-collectors and fishermen. ... what he meant by this was that the divine spark is in every soul and is never extinguished ...
- Paulo Coelho
We must love because we are loved by God. We must be conscious of death if we are to have a proper understanding of life. We must struggle in order to grow, but without falling into the trap of the power we gain through that struggle, because we know that power is worthless. Finally, we must accept that our eternal soul is, at this moment, caught in the web of time with all its opportunities and its limitations.
- Paulo Coelho
They were so ignorant, so naive, so resigned to their lot. They refused to believe anything that didn't fit in with what they were used to believing.
- Paulo Coelho
Suffering occurs when we want other people to love us in the way we imagine we want to be loved, and not in the way that love should manifest itself--free and untrammeled, guiding us with its force and driving us on.
- Paulo Coelho
As though everything truly had to be faced without fear, as a mere fact of life - we don't choose the things that happen to us, but we can choose how we react to them.
- Paulo Coelho
In order not to suffer, you had to renounce love.
- Paulo Coelho
It's always necessary to know when a stage of one's life has ended. If you stubbornly cling to it after the need has passed,you lose the joy and meaning of the rest. And you risk being shaken to your senses by God.
- Paulo Coelho
When faced with a loss, it is no use trying to recover what has gone. On the other hand, a great space has been opened up in your life - there it lies, empty, waiting to be filled with something new. At the moment of one's loss, contradictory as this might seem, one is being given a large slice of freedom.
- Paulo Coelho
How can one set these opposite states in harmony? There is only one way: through giving oneself completely. How does one give oneself? By forgetting the traumas of the past, and by not forming expectations about the future - in other words, the orgasm. How can one do this? Very simply: by not being afraid to err.
- Paulo Coelho
Knowing that doesn't make any difference. People do their best not to remember and not to accept the immense magical potential they possess, because that would upset their neat little universes.
- Paulo Coelho