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Quotes about Acceptance

N-am avut puterea s? te înl?tur din viaÃ…£a mea când, biologic, planetar, emoÃ…£ional, metafizic, psihanalitic, ar fi trebuit.
- Anais Nin
Brother, the act of faith, by which you accept and enter this life in the New Covenant, is not commonly an act of power, but often of weakness and fear and much trembling.
- Andrew Murray
The reason is simply this—they have never learned to believe and accept the truth that the Holy Spirit can pour God's love into their heart. That blessed text has often been limited!—"The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts" (Romans 5:5).
- Andrew Murray
Beware of only saying, "Christ was crucified for me"; say, too, "I am crucified with Christ." (See Galatians 2: 20.) The one thing for which He lives in you is to breathe His own likeness into your nature, to impart to you His own crucifixion spirit, to give you the blessed disposition that made His sacrifice so well pleasing to the Father. Do accept the whole Christ as dwelling in you.
- Andrew Murray
Let a man be what he will, you are to love him. Love is to be the fruit of the Spirit all the day and every day.
- Andrew Murray
The power of prayer does not lie in the number or earnestness of the words you use, but in a living faith that God Himself accepts both you and your prayer into His loving heart.
- Andrew Murray
What cannot be repaired is not to be regretted.
- Samuel Johnson
What cannot be repaired is not to be regretted.
- Samuel Johnson
If the changes that we fear be thus irresistible, what remains but to acquiesce with silence, as in the other insurmountable distresses of humanity? It remains that we retard what we cannot repel, that we palliate what we cannot cure. Life may be lengthened by care, though death cannot be ultimately defeated: tongues, like governments, have a natural tendency to degeneration; we have long preserved our constitution, let us make some struggles for our language.
- Samuel Johnson
If we will have the kindness of others, we must endure their follies
- Samuel Johnson
ACCIPIENT  (ACCI'PIENT)   n.s.[accipiens, Lat.] A receiver, perhaps sometimes used for recipient.Dict.
- Samuel Johnson
To be shocked at how deeply rejection hurts is to ignore what acceptance involves. We must never allow our suffering to be compounded by suggestions that there is something odd in suffering so deeply. There would be something amiss if we didn't.
- Arthur Schopenhauer