Quotes about Acceptance
Should I judge myself?" she ventured to ask. "Or should I leave that to the Almighty, who forgives us all for being what He made us?
- Alice Hoffman
As long as she lives she will never figure out why it is that some boys refuse to see that somebody loves them.
- Alice Hoffman
Life was worth living, no matter what fate might bring.
- Alice Hoffman
Ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering There is a crack in everything That's how the light gets in. —"ANTHEM" BY LEONARD COHEN
- Alice Hoffman
Here you are, Shelby tells Buddy. So now you know, she's not coming back. Not if you wait for a hundred years. She's left you and you're all alone, so get used to it.
- Alice Hoffman
To find someone, it was necessary to follow in the way that the angels who follow men's lives on earth are said to do, charting each trespass without judgment, for judgment is never ours to give.
- Alice Hoffman
Keep the light out, have faith, trust in what you feel, not in what you see. Leave the matches at home. Leave it be.
- Alice Hoffman
For every evil under the sun, There is a remedy, or there is none. If there be one, seek till you find it; If there be none, never mind it. MOTHER GOOSE
- Alice Hoffman
It is foolish to cry over things you cannot change
- Alice Hoffman
It is foolish to cry over things you cannot change
- Alice Hoffman
It is foolish to cry over things you cannot change
- Alice Hoffman
It is foolish to cry over things you cannot change
- Alice Hoffman