Quotes about Acceptance
He believed he was dead and used to rage at his wife because she wouldn't bury him. I'd a-done it.
- LM Montgomery
In this world you've just got to hope for the best and prepare for the worst and take whatever God sends.
- LM Montgomery
He who accepts human love must bind it to his soul with pain, and she is not lost to me. Nothing is ever really lost to us as long as we remember it.
- LM Montgomery
I kind of think she's one of the sort you can do anything with if you only get her to love you.
- LM Montgomery
You know there are some people, like Matthew and Mrs. Allen, that you can love right off without any trouble. And there are others, like Mrs. Lynde, that you have to try very hard to love. You know you ought to love them because they know so much and are such active workers in the church, but you have to keep reminding yourself of it all the time or else you forget.
- LM Montgomery
Folks say I'm good, he remarked whimsically upon one occasion, but I sometimes wish the Lord had made me only half as good and put the rest of it into looks. But there, I reckon He knew what He was about, as a good Captain should. Some of us have to be homely, or the purty ones—like Mistress Blythe here—wouldn't show up so well.
- LM Montgomery
It was really dreadful to be different from other people...and yet rather wonderful, too, as if you were a being strayed from another star.
- LM Montgomery
I am of one mind with the Irishman who said you could get used to anything, even to being hanged!
- LM Montgomery
Oh, they meant to be — I know they meant to be just as good and kind as possible. And when people mean to be good to you, you don't mind very much when they're not quite — always.
- LM Montgomery
What is to be, will be, said Mrs. Rachel gloomily, and what isn't to be happens sometimes.
- LM Montgomery
And when people mean to be good to you, you don't mind very much when they're not quite—always.
- LM Montgomery
And did she talk to him after that as usual? asked Sara Ray. Oh, yes, she was just the same as she used to be, said the Story Girl wearily. But that doesn't belong to the story. It stops when she spoke at last. You're never satisfied to leave a story where it should stop, Sara Ray.
- LM Montgomery