Quotes about Acceptance
On your very worst, most rebellious, and most faithless day, you can run into the holy presence of your heavenly Father and he will not turn you away.
- Paul David Tripp
If you obey God for a thousand years, you will not have earned more of his acceptance than you were granted the very first moment you believed.
- Paul David Tripp
It's pointless to blame someone for being themselves and looking to their own interests.
- Paul Hoffman
That's how the world is, and there is nothing an insignificant nobody like you, or even a significant somebody like me, can do about it.
- Paul Hoffman
Being religious means asking passionately the question of the meaning of our existence and being willing to receive answers, even if the answers hurt.
- Paul Tillich
We cannot love unless we have accepted forgiveness, and the deeper our experience of forgiveness is, the greater is our love.
- Paul Tillich
Grace strikes us when we are in great pain and restlessness…. Sometimes at that moment a wave of light breaks into our darkness, and it is as though a voice were saying: "You are accepted."
- Paul Tillich
No self-acceptance is possible if one is not accepted in a person-to-person relation.
- Paul Tillich
The courage to accept oneself as accepted in spite of being unacceptable…. This is the genuine meaning of the Pauline-Lutheran doctrine of 'justification by faith
- Paul Tillich
It is most important for the practice of the Christian ministry, especially in its missionary activities toward those both within and without the Christian culture, to consider pagans, humanists, and Jews as members of the latent Spiritual Community and not as complete strangers who are invited into the Spiritual Community from outside. This insight serves as a powerful weapon against ecclesiastical and hierarchical arrogance.
- Paul Tillich
The faith which makes the courage of despair possible is the acceptance of the power of being, even in the grip of non-being. Even in the despair about meaning being affirms itself through us. The act of accepting meaninglessness is in itself a meaningful act. It is an act of faith.
- Paul Tillich
De moed van het vertrouwen neemt de angst voor het lot even goed als de angst voor de schuld in zich op. Deze moed zegt tot beide: "En toch."Dit is de ware betekenis van de leer der voorzienigheid. Voorzienigheid is geen theorie over zekere handelingen van God, maar het godsdienstig symbool van de moed van het vertrouwen ten aanzien van lot en dood. Want de moed van het vertrouwen zegt zelfs tot de dood: "En toch.
- Paul Tillich