Quotes about Acceptance
Let yourself be humbled by how little you know and how few things you are able to do.
- Paul David Tripp
We need more than acceptance or practical strategies for change. We need the forgiveness, deliverance, and empowerment that only God's grace can give.
- Paul David Tripp
If you aren't daily admitting to yourself that you are a mess and in daily and rather desperate need for forgiving and transforming grace, and if the evidence around has not caused you to abandon your confidence in your own righteousness, then you are going to give yourself to the work of convincing yourself that you are okay.
- Paul David Tripp
His discipline, therefore, is never the result of his rejection, but the fruit of his acceptance.
- Paul David Tripp
His discipline, therefore, is never the result of his rejection, but the fruit of his acceptance.
- Paul David Tripp
Without knowing it, we put our identity and inner peace in the hands of the people around us. We look to them for what no flawed human being will ever be able to deliver. We ride the roller coaster of their views of us. We begin to do things not because they are right, but because we know they will please those whose opinion of us and acceptance of us mean more than they should.
- Paul David Tripp
As much as we try to make sense of our lives, there are things that we simply aren't able to understand.
- Paul David Tripp
biblical faith—that is, true faith in the existence, presence, promises, and provisions of God—never requires you to deny reality in any way. It is not biblical faith to try to convince yourself that things are better than they actually are. It is not biblical faith to work to make yourself feel good about what is not good. Biblical faith looks reality in the face and does not flinch.
- Paul David Tripp
If you put too many things in your need category, you will end up frustrated with life, hurt by others, and doubting God's goodness.
- Paul David Tripp
Jesus faced separation from his Father in the here and now so that we would know the Father's acceptance now and for all eternity.
- Paul David Tripp
He did what you could never do so that you would be welcomed into the arms of a righteous God and be fully accepted even though, in reality, you are anything but righteous. How can God accept you and not compromise his own righteousness? He can do this because Christ's righteousness has been credited to your moral account. Now, that's amazing grace!
- Paul David Tripp
It really does take grace to know how much you need grace.
- Paul David Tripp