Quotes about Self-awareness
It hurt me, and pained my very heart, that any body should show me any respect. Alas! methought, how sadly they are deceived in me! how miserably would they be disappointed, if they knew my inside! Oh my heart!
- David Brainerd
Before you judge someone else, stop and think about all that God has forgiven you for.
- Joyce Meyer
When I count other people's blessings I lose sight of mine.
- Andy Stanley
Blame enables us to smuggle our issues into our future.
- Andy Stanley
We even refuse to be our true self with God- and then wonder why we lack intimacy with him.
- Brennan Manning
Before God can deliver us we must undeceive ourselves.
- St. Augustine
For all those who make such stories which are not true, I only say God forgive all these people. I feel sorry for them because they are doing so much harm to themselves.
- Mother Teresa
I suddenly saw that all the time it was not I who had been seeking God, but God who had been seeking me. I had made myself the centre of my own existence and had my back turned to God.
- Bede Griffiths
When I could not see the light with my blind eyes, I blamed not my eyes, but the sun.
- St. Jerome
People who blame things rarely change things. Blame is an unassailable change-avoidance strategy.
- Andy Stanley
God cannot bless who you pretend to be
- Steven Furtick
You are a little god on earth running around.
- Benny Hinn