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Quotes about Self-awareness

the extent to which we love and respect ourselves is the extent to which we will be able to love and respect others.
- Peter Scazzero
Most leaders shipwreck or live inconsistent lives because of forces and motivations beneath the surface of their lives, which they have never even considered.
- Peter Scazzero
What is most startling in reading a detailed explanation of what goes on beneath the surface at the age of fifteen is that the same dynamics continue into the twenties, thirties, fifties, seventies, and nineties. We remain trapped in living a pretend life out of an unhealthy concern for what other people think.
- Peter Scazzero
Lewis Smedes sums up the dangers of superficial forgiveness: "We will not take healing action against unfair pain until we own the pain we want to heal. It is not enough to feel pain. We need to appropriate the pain we feel: Be conscious of it, take it on, and take it as our own … I worry about fast forgivers. They tend to forgive quickly in order to avoid their pain.
- Peter Scazzero
Most of us never examine the scripts handed to us by our past.
- Peter Scazzero
We numb our pain through denial, blaming, rationalizations, addictions, and avoidance.
- Peter Scazzero
Our wisdom . . . consists almost entirely of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves.
- Peter Scazzero
Few killer viruses are more difficult to discern than this one. On the surface all appears to be healthy and working, but it's not. All those hours and hours spent lost in one Christian book after another . . . all those many Christian responsibilities outside the home or going from one seminar to another . . . all that extra time in prayer and Bible study. . . . At times we use these Christian activities as an unconscious attempt to escape from pain. In
- Peter Scazzero
Grow me, I pray, into an emotionally mature adult through the Holy Spirit's power.
- Peter Scazzero
Allow yourself to experience the full weight of your feelings. Allow them without censoring them. Then you can reflect and thoughtfully decide what to do with them. Trust God to come to you through them. This is the first step in the hard work of discipleship.
- Peter Scazzero
human. To minimize
- Peter Scazzero
The vast majority of us go to our graves without knowing who we are. We unconsciously live someone else's life, or at least someone else's expectations for us. This does violence to ourselves, our relationship with God, and ultimately to others.
- Peter Scazzero