Quotes about Self-awareness
Self-help courses will only help you if they teach you to pay attention to life itself.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Contemplation, sadly, helps you see your woundedness! That's why most people do not stay long with contemplative prayer, because it's not very glorious. It's a continual humiliation, realizing, "Oh my God, I did it again. I still don't know how to love!
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Did you ever notice that Jesus himself was not really that upset at the bad behavior that most of us call sin? Instead, he directed his critical attention toward people who did not think they were sinners, who could not see their own shadows or dark sides, or acknowledge their complicity in the world's domination systems.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
The most courageous thing we will ever do is to bear humbly the mystery of our own reality.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Loving God, allow me to be a sheep at least once in a while, and never let me forget that most of my life I have been a goat." Tuesday
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Your True Self is that part of you that knows who you are and whose you are, although largely unconsciously. Your False Self is just who you think you are—but thinking doesn't make it so.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
To have a spiritual life is to recognize early on that there is always a similarity and coherence between the seer and the seen, the seekers and what they are capable of finding. You will seek only what you have partially already discovered and seen within yourself as desirable. Spiritual cognition is invariably re-cognition.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
When you get your "Who am I?" question right, all the "What should I do?" questions tend to take care of themselves.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
The first half of life is discovering the script, and the second half is actually writing it and owning it.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Genuine humility is based on a realistic self-appraisal and a healthy feeling of self-worth.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Before transformation, sin is any kind of moral mistake; afterward, sin is a mistake about who you are and whose you are.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
I doubt if you can see the image of God (Imago Dei) in your fellow humans if you cannot first see it in rudimentary form in stones, in plants and flowers, in strange little animals, in bread and wine, and most especially cannot honor this objective divine image in yourself.
- Fr. Richard Rohr