Quotes about Self-awareness
I know my serve stinks, but I was a pretty good tennis player.
- George H. W. Bush
You will suddenly realize that the reason you never changed before was because you didn't want to.
- Robert Schuller
Being in closer-than-usual contact with the actual workings of your mind can lead you to confront issues with a new and perhaps unsettling honesty.
- Robert Wright
I consider myself an average man except for the fact that I consider myself an average man.
- Robert Wright
Do not force me to look any longer at what I have become. Tell me instead what is to come.
- Robin Jones Gunn
If you feel far from God, guess who moved?
- Robin Jones Gunn
Sierra felt full of hope and confidence in God. She knew who she was. And she knew Whose she was. Whatever mysterious plan God had for her life, it would be an interesting one. As Christy had said earlier, God writes a different story for each person. Sierra decided hers might not be a bestseller or even a thriller. It certainly wasn't a romance. But it was turning into a fine mystery. And she could live with that.
- Robin Jones Gunn
For sure, I would much rather look as if I have it all together and never make mistakes. But as the Bible cautions us, "If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us."12
- Liz Curtis Higgs
To grumble about the world and its unhappiness is always easier than to beat one's breast and groan over oneself.
- Soren Kierkegaard
There is nothing everyone is so afraid of as being told how vastly much he is capable of. You are capable of - do you want to know? - you are capable of living in poverty; you are capable of standing almost any kind of maltreatment, abuse, etc. But you do not wish to know about it, isn't that so? You would be furious with him who told you so, and only call that person your friend who bolsters you in saying: 'No, this I cannot bear, this is beyond my strength, etc.
- Soren Kierkegaard
And to contend with the whole world is a comfort, but to contend with oneself dreadful.
- Soren Kierkegaard
A man's life is wasted when he lives on, so deceived by the joys of life or by its sorrows, that he never becomes decisively conscious of himself as spirit, as self, that is, he never is aware in the deepest sense that there is a God.
- Soren Kierkegaard