Quotes about Timing
The waiting itself is beneficial to us: it tries faith, exercises patience, trains submission, and endears the blessing when it comes.
- Charles Spurgeon
God is never in a hurry, but he is always on time.
- Rick Warren
To go fast, row slowly.
- Norman Vincent Peale
When you feel the need to have the right person show up in your life, affirm: 'I know the right person is arriving in divine order at precisely the perfect time.'
- Wayne Dyer
More men have been elected between sundown and sunup than ever were elected between sunup and sundown.
- Will Rogers
Be patient. Let God answer your question on His schedule, not yours.
- TB Joshua
Be patient. Let God answer your question on His schedule, not yours.
- TB Joshua
We often say God is never late, but generally He isn't early either. Why? Because He uses times of waiting to stretch our faith in Him and to bring about change and growth in our lives.
- Joyce Meyer
God sends people into our lives just when we need them, to say the right word, His word, just when we need it.
- WA Criswell
It is not lost time to wait upon God!
- Hudson Taylor
When we surrender to His timing, He does mighty things in and for us, according to His will and His timing. God acts on behalf of those who wait for Him.
- Charles Stanley
God's plan will continue on God's schedule.
- AW Tozer