Quotes about Consequence
The smallest sin is an act of Cosmic Treason against a Holy God.
- Jonathan Edwards
God hath promised pardon to him that repenteth, but he hath not promised repentance to him that sinneth.
- Anselm of Canterbury
Hell is not filled with people who are deeply sorry for their sins. It is filled with people who for all eternity still shake their puny fist in the face of God Almighty.
- DA Carson
If you have not chosen the Kingdom of God first, it will in the end make no difference what you have chosen instead.
- William Law
There are no small sins against a great God.
- JI Packer
It is a universal principle that whenever one refuses to use his God-given powers, these powers decay and perish.
- Ellen White
It is, therefore, not proper for God thus to pass over sin unpunished.
- Anselm of Canterbury
Sin defies God, utterly corrupts each individual, corrodes all social relationships, and issues in death.
- DA Carson
Therefore, take heed how you proceed against me; for I know that for this you go about to do to me, God will ruin you and your posterity, and this whole state.
- Anne Hutchinson
Nothing harms or destroys us but the wrong use of that liberty of choice which God has entrusted to us.
- William Law
We trample the blood of the Son of God underfoot if we think we are forgiven because we are sorry for our sins.
- Oswald Chambers
If we do not worship God, God will not be the lesser for it. But we will.
- Kevin DeYoung