Quotes about Defiance
Heroes are heroes precisely because they are willing to do what everyone else won't—oppose the popular voice. But we will know what you have done. And in your heart, so will you. And that is more than heroic. It is noble.
- Richard Paul Evans
Mrs. Hammon told me that God made my hair red on purpose and I haven't card for him since.
- LM Montgomery
The national anthem of hell is, "I Did It My Way."
- Peter Kreeft
Respect me, or put me to death.
- Malcolm X
A courageous man prefers death to the surrender of self-respect.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve.
- George W. Bush
I shall not stand to be laughed at. I shall not bear it!
- Emily Bronte
You forget you have a master here,'' says the tyrant. ''I'll demolish the first who puts me out of temper! I insist on perfect sobriety and silence. Oh, boy! was that you? Frances, darling, pull his hair as you go by; I heard him snap his fingers.'' 'Frances pulled his hair heartily;
- Emily Bronte
I'll not do anything, though you should swear your tongue out, except what I please!
- Emily Bronte
Silence! said the ruffian. To the devil with your clamour!
- Emily Bronte
Together they would brave satan and all his legions.
- Emily Bronte
The more you resist something, the more aggressive it becomes.
- Bernice King