Quotes about Men
The work and achievements of hundreds of men of outstanding accomplishment, that there was the influence of a woman's love behind nearly every one of them.
- Napoleon Hill
Don't mistake the fathers' thanks, Fairy had warned her. Men scared of us, always will be. To them we're death's handmaiden standing as between them and the children their wives carry. During those times, Fairy said, the midwife is the interference, the one giving orders, on whose secret skill so much depended, and the dependency irritated them. Especially here in this place where they had come to multiply in peace.
- Toni Morrison
Janie had robbed him of his illusion of irresistible maleness that all men cherish, which was terrible. The thing that Saul's daughter had done to David. But Janie had done worse...
- Toni Morrison
Wherever he was—on the porch, at the kitchen table, in the garden, in the living room reading—that's where the power and deference were. He didn't exert power; he assumed it. And it was in part from knowing him that I felt I could understand and create the men in Ruby—their easy assumption of uncontested authority.
- Toni Morrison
One of the things that we, as men, have often missed in the church in multiple ways is both experiencing and displaying God's power and blessings collectively. With
- Tony Evans
When men begin to function in their homes, accountable to the guidance and direction of a leader in the church, things change.
- Tony Evans
This is not a time for secret-agent Christians or covert Jesus operatives. We need kingdom men who will step up and change the world.
- Tony Evans
many men have come to view the church as a task to be done rather than a community to be in.
- Tony Evans
It's about becoming men of character, commitment, power, and influence for Jesus Christ.
- Tony Evans
Christian leaders have leveraged our men to build church buildings and run church programs, but we have failed to disciple them in what it means to be about the kingdom. Nothing is wrong with church buildings—as long as those within it aim to use the available resources strategically to advance God's kingdom.
- Tony Evans
Even though a man's involvement with the church is so critical, it seems that in most churches, men are not taking an active role in any men's ministry or in transferring a kingdom worldview. What
- Tony Evans
Congregations are lifeless because dead men preach to them.
- George Whitefield