Quotes about Men
I had believed the Bible always, but reading it now had nothing to do with belief. It was simply a description of the way things were--of hell and heaven, of how men act and how God acts.
- Corrie Ten Boom
Men! The only animal in the world to fear.
- DH Lawrence
But that is how men are! Ungrateful and never satisfied. When you don't have them they hate you because you won't; and when you do have them they hate you again, for some other reason. Or for no reason at all, except that they are discontented children, and can't be satisfied whatever they get, let a woman do what she may.
- DH Lawrence
Labor disgraces no man unfortunately you occasionally find men who disgrace labor.
- Ulysses S. Grant
Men give advice; God gives guidance.
- Leonard Ravenhill
If boyhood and youth are but vanity, must it not be our ambition to become men?
- Vincent Van Gogh
Women, you need to understand something. Men are not as dumb as you think they are.
- Paul Washer
In setting forth the current liberalism, now almost dominant in the Church, over against Christianity, we are animated, therefore, by no merely negative or polemic purpose; on the contrary—by showing what Christianity is not, we hope to be able to show what Christianity is in order that men may be led to turn from the weak and beggarly elements and have recourse again to the grace of God.
- J. Gresham Machen
It is no wonder, then, that liberalism is totally different from Christianity, for the foundation is different. Christianity is founded upon the Bible. It bases upon the Bible both its thinking and its life. Liberalism on the other hand is founded upon the shifting emotions of sinful men.
- J. Gresham Machen
With their pens, and no less great with their swords—fearing God very much, and fearing men very little,—they were a generation of men who have never received from their country the honor that they deserve.
- Joel Beeke
A government of laws, and not of men.
- John Adams
I would rather go through this valley to find the honor that true wise men seek than choose those things that this man and his worldly friends think most worthy of our affections.
- John Bunyan