Quotes about Adaptability
Have the mind of a swam, the heart of a lion, the tongue of a serpent, the flair of a swam, and the soul of a dove.
- Matshona Dhliwayo
DAVID GLASS: "Two things about Sam Walton distinguish him from almost everyone else I know. First, he gets up every day bound and determined to improve something. Second, he is less afraid of being wrong than anyone I've ever known. And once he sees he's wrong, he just shakes it off and heads in another direction.
- Sam Walton
The church is compared to tents because it has no solid structure in the world.
- John Calvin
All my life I've dealt with politicians. I know politicians better than anybody. And honestly, if you can't deal with a politician, there's something wrong with you.
- Donald Trump
Perhaps I am the turtle, able to live simply anywhere, even underwater for short periods, with my home on my back.
- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
When life hands you a lemon, say, 'Oh yeah, I like lemons! What else ya got?
- Henry Rollins
Maturity is the ability to reap without apology and not complain when things don't go well.
- Jim Rohn
Learn to bend. It's better than breaking.
- Leo Buscaglia
There was no use grieving over what might have been.
- Janette Oke
Forcing everyone into the office every day is an organizational SPoF.
- Jason Fried
If you can't fit everything in within the time and budget allotted then don't expand the time and budget. Instead, pull back the scope. There's always time to add stuff later — later is eternal, now is fleeting.
- Jason Fried
You have to be able to improvise. You have to be able to pick up opportunities that come along.
- Jason Fried