Quotes about Walk
But she is glad to prolong the walk. She is moved by him, pleased to stand in his sight, whose final knowledge is womanly, who knows that all human labor passes into mystery, who has been faithful unto death to the life of his fields to no end that he will know in this world.
- Wendell Berry
To please God, to be pleasing to God, is to "walk with Light," to walk with God in joy, praise, holiness, and humility as image-bearers of the Light.
- Leonard Sweet
The return from the walk, and the arrival of tea, should be exactly coincident, and not later than a quarter past four.
- CS Lewis
I exercise all the time, every morning, and then I do music in the afternoon. I walk two to three miles a day and do Pilates twice a week.
- Jim James
There was a hint of spring in her sole green eyes, something summery in her complexion, and a rich autumn ripeness in her walk.
- Toni Morrison
Either the pavement was burning or she had sapphires hidden in her shoes. K.D., who had never seen a woman mince or switch like that, believed it was the walk that caused all the trouble.
- Toni Morrison
The word theologian doesn't appear in the Bible. Old Testament writers used a warmer, user-friendly expression, describing people who "walked with God." A theologian takes a long walk through life with God — living in his presence, going his way, learning to see the world through his eyes, and getting to know his character so that trusting him in the dark
- Carolyn Custis James
Women in the Bible are wise teachers. They offer up a boatload of profound theology intended to enrich the whole church's understanding of who God is, what it means to walk with him, and how we are to build his kingdom in this broken world.
- Carolyn Custis James
Put the greatest emphasis on what's in you; your knowledge, your wisdom, your inner strength, your character, your tenacity and people will look through the box and always walk away with the product.
- Bishop TD Jakes
Do we not realize that the basic condition for a spiritual walk is to fear our self and its wisdom and to rely absolutely upon the Spirit?
- Watchman Nee
My walk is a public one. My business is in the world, and I must mix in the assemblies of men or quit the post which Providence seems to have assigned me.
- William Wilberforce
The Son of Man has authority over whatever has you paralyzed. Get up and walk.
- Beth Moore