Quotes about Acknowledgment
The day we start taking credit for the fact that he answers prayer we are in deep, deep trouble.
- Pete Greig
So Hagar gave this name to the LORD who had spoken to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “Here I have seen the One who sees me!”
- Genesis 16:13
So Jacob went to his father and said, “My father.” “Here I am!” he answered. “Which one are you, my son?”
- Genesis 27:18
“Agreed,” said Laban. “Let it be as you have said.”
- Genesis 30:34
“What is your name?” the man asked. “Jacob,” he replied.
- Genesis 32:27
You must not profane My holy name. I must be acknowledged as holy among the Israelites. I am the LORD who sanctifies you,
- Leviticus 22:32
You might say in your heart, “The power and strength of my hands have made this wealth for me.”
- Deuteronomy 8:17
Then the LORD said to me, “They have spoken well.
- Deuteronomy 18:17
Instead, he must acknowledge the firstborn, the son of his unloved wife, by giving him a double portion of all that he has. For that son is the firstfruits of his father’s strength; the right of the firstborn belongs to him.
- Deuteronomy 21:17
For their rock is not like our Rock, even our enemies concede.
- Deuteronomy 32:31
Then Saul recognized David’s voice and asked, “Is that your voice, David my son?” “It is my voice, my lord and king,” David said.
- 1 Samuel 26:17
When he turned around and saw me, he called out and I answered, ‘Here I am!’
- 2 Samuel 1:7