Quotes about Crucifixion
we tend to overlook that it was for Jesus an excruciating experience beyond all we can imagine.
- Jerry Bridges
The last business of Christ's life was the saving of a poor penitent thief.
- DL Moody
To summarize, then: the crucifixion is the touchstone of Christian authenticity, the unique feature by which everything else, including the resurrection, is given its true significance.
- Fleming Rutledge
A place called Golgotha, that is to say, a place of a skull.
- Anonymous
This is Jesus the King of the Jews.
- Anonymous
They crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.
- Anonymous
We will be best enriched by the meaning of the crucifixion in all its manifold aspects, not just as an intellectual construct, but as dynamic, living truth empowering us for the living of these days.
- Fleming Rutledge
Jesus had been crucified years before her birth, but in John, as in her father, she saw the Lord. In John's dear face she found infinite compassion, love, the glow of fierce conviction, the strength of true faith.
- Francine Rivers
Be aware that when the world crucified Christ, it crucified you with Him. However, be aware also that when Christ overcame the world on the cross, He made you a conqueror, too.
- Andrew Murray
We often speak about how we should remain in Christ, but we forget that this means we must remain in a crucified Christ.
- Andrew Murray
Beware of only saying, "Christ was crucified for me"; say, too, "I am crucified with Christ." (See Galatians 2: 20.) The one thing for which He lives in you is to breathe His own likeness into your nature, to impart to you His own crucifixion spirit, to give you the blessed disposition that made His sacrifice so well pleasing to the Father. Do accept the whole Christ as dwelling in you.
- Andrew Murray
There are some things that can be learned by the head, but Christ crucified can only be learned by the heart
- Charles Spurgeon