Quotes about Crucifixion
What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called the Christ?" (Matthew 27:22 NIV). This is the most important question that has ever been asked. It is also the question you must ask yourself.
- Billy Graham
The release of power accelerated and released forces that were both positive and negative. When we understand the accelerating power of miracles, we understand why Jesus so often told those He healed to tell no one about it. Because when they broadcasted His miracles, it fueled the envy of His enemies. When their envy reached its fullness, His enemies crucified Him. By fueling their envy, every miracle took Jesus a step closer to His crucifixion.
- Bob Sorge
If, in his pride, he considers God as a challenge, he will deny Him; and if God becomes man and therefore makes Himself vulnerable, he will crucify Him.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
The multitude who cried "Hosanna to the Son of David," speedily changed to "Away with Him, Crucify Him.
- AW Pink
The significance of the crucifixion is not only what God does for us; consistently throughout the New Testament the crucifixion is portrayed as the pattern that we are to follow. It is a model of social behavior toward the other as well as a statement about what God has done for us.
- Miroslav Volf
Reflect carefully on this, for it is so important that I can hardly lay too much stress on it. Fix your eyes on the Crucified and nothing else will be of much importance to you.
- Teresa of Avila
The crucifixion of the Goddess - the invalidation of feminine beliefs and values - lies at the heart of all our painful dramas. But crucifixion is merely a prelude to resurrection, and we are now living at the beginning stages of the resurrection of the Goddess.
- Marianne Williamson
His tears were not for Himself, though He well knew whither His feet were tending. Before Him lay Gethsemane, the scene of His approaching agony. The sheep gate also was in sight, through which for centuries the victims for sacrifice had been led, and which was to open for Him when He should be "brought as a lamb to the slaughter." Not far distant was Calvary, the place of crucifixion.
- Ellen White
We must recognize that Jesus was nailed to the cross not simply by sin but also by blindness. The men who cried, "Crucify him," were not bad men but rather blind men. The jeering mob that lined the roadside which led to Calvary was composed not of evil people but of blind people. They knew not what they did. What a tragedy!
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Just as Christ is Christ only in virtue of his suffering and rejection, so the disciple is a disciple only in so far as he shares his Lord's suffering and rejection and crucifixion.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
To be conformed to the image of Christ is not an ideal to be striven after. It is not as though we had to imitate him as well as we could. We cannot transform ourselves into his image; it is rather the form of Christ which seeks to be formed in us (Gal. 4.19), and to be manifested in us. Christ's work in us is not finished until he has perfected his own form in us. We must be assimilated to the form of Christ in its entirety, the form of Christ incarnate, crucified and glorified.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
What was in the cup Jesus drank at His crucifixion? It was the wrath of God.
- Jerry Bridges