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Quotes about Crucifixion

Forgiveness is the reason for the crucifixion, and the crucifixion is the reason for the Incarnation.
- Peter Kreeft
If you go all in and all out for the cause of Christ, there will be setbacks along the way. But remember this: without a crucifixion there can be no resurrection! And when you have a setback, you do not take a step back, because God is already preparing your comeback.
- Mark Batterson
I love the way Dorothy Sayers described the wild side of His personality. To do them justice, the people who crucified Jesus did not do so because he was a bore. Quite the contrary; he was too dynamic to be safe. It has been left for later generations to muffle up that shattering personality and surround Him with an atmosphere of tedium. We have declawed the lion of Judah and made Him a housecat for pale priests and pious old ladies.9
- Mark Batterson
Preach [and live] as if Jesus was crucified yesterday, rose from the dead today, and is returning tomorrow.
- Martin Luther
If we fail to hold that the Person who was crucified was both God and man, we are eternally damned and lost. We must have a Savior who is more than a saint or an angel. If He were not superior to these, we would get no help from Him. But if He is God, then the treasure is so heavy that it not only outweighs and cancels sin and death but also gives eternal life. No mere human could acquire eternal life for us or overcome the devil and death.
- Martin Luther
And finally indeed this blessing, or rather this curse, was fulfilled in Caiaphas, Annas, and the other high priests who persecuted Christ and His apostles with the greatest severity. For these two tribes, Simeon and Levi, stirred up the multitude before Pilate to ask that Barabbas be set free and that Jesus be crucified.
- Martin Luther
Begin with Christ. He came down to earth, lived among men, suffered, was crucified, and then He died, standing clearly before us, so that our hearts and eyes may fasten upon Him. Thus we shall be kept from climbing into heaven in a curious and futile search after the nature of God.
- Martin Luther
If people can be saved and accepted by God the Father apart from the saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross, then why was He crucified?
- Michael Youssef
The crucifixion was the shocking answer to the prayer that God's kingdom would come on earth as in heaven.
- NT Wright
The only reason the death of Jesus was ever thought of as good news was because of what happened next.
- NT Wright
The point of trying to understand the cross better is not so that we can congratulate ourselves for having solved an intellectual crossword puzzle, but so that God's power and wisdom may work in us, through us, and out into the world that still regards Jesus's crucifixion as weakness and folly.
- NT Wright
Whether we believe in Jesus, whether we approve of his teaching, let alone whether we like the look of the movement that still claims to follow him, we are bound to see his crucifixion as one of the pivotal moments in human history.
- NT Wright