Quotes about Canopy
He made darkness a canopy around Him, a gathering of water and thick clouds.
- 2 Samuel 22:12
Solomon made his colonnade fifty cubits long and thirty cubits wide, with a portico in front of it and a canopy with pillars in front of the portico.
- 1 Kings 7:6
And on account of the king of Assyria, he removed the Sabbath canopy they had built in the temple and closed the royal entryway outside the house of the LORD.
- 2 Kings 16:18
He made darkness His hiding place, and storm clouds a canopy around Him.
- Psalm 18:11
Then the LORD will create over all of Mount Zion and over her assemblies a cloud of smoke by day and a glowing flame of fire by night. For over all the glory there will be a canopy,
- Isaiah 4:5
Cherubim and palm trees like those on the walls were carved on the doors of the outer sanctuary, and there was a wooden canopy outside, on the front of the portico.
- Ezekiel 41:25
The necessity for a water-based canopy about the earth is not directly stated in the text. It is an interpretation of the text. Keep in mind that it is the text that is inspired, not our interpretations of it.
- Ken Ham
In Genesis 1, some have attempted to make a distinction between the expanse in which the birds fly (Genesis 1:2018) and the expanse in which the sun, moon, and stars were placed (Genesis 1:719); this was in an effort to have the sun, moon, and stars made in the second expanse. This is not a distinction that is necessary from the text, and is only necessary if a canopy is assumed.
- Ken Ham
There's a group of 12 oak trees on my property in California that I call 'my disciples.' Their branches form a canopy over the ground, and I sit underneath them for inspiration.
- Oprah Winfrey