Quotes about Sensory
The brain appears to possess a special area which we might call poetic memory and which records everything that charms or touches us, that makes our lives beautiful.
- Milan Kundera
But her nascent love inflamed her sense of beauty, and she would never forget that music. Whenever she heard it, she would be touched. Everything going on around her at that moment would be haloed by the music and take on its beauty.
- Milan Kundera
She felt that his presence seemed more intensely real when she kept her eyes away from him, almost as if the stressed awareness of herself came from him, like the sunlight from the water.
- Ayn Rand
Fiction is a sort of inter-human magic, allowing you to travel into a scene and feel it tingle on your skin, see it in your mind's eye and smell it with your mind's nose! But forming these images from the printed page is a skill you have to develop when you're fairly young, I think, or else it's very difficult to read for pleasure later on.
- Barbara Kingsolver
A man that has a taste of music, painting, or architecture, is like one that has another sense, when compared with such as have no relish of those arts.
- Joseph Addison
OASIS. The Ontologically Anthropocentric Sensory Immersive Simulation
- Ernest Cline
It is the world's first fully functional noninvasive brain-computer interface. It allows an OASIS user to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel their avatar's virtual environment, via signals transmitted directly into their cerebral cortex. The headset's sensor array also monitors and interprets its wearer's brain activity, allowing them to control their OASIS avatar just as they do their physical body—simply by thinking about it.
- Ernest Cline
Sounds came to me dully, as if people were speaking through their handkerchiefs or with their hands over their mouths. Colors weren't true either, but rather a vague assortment of shaded pastels that indicated not so much color as faded familiarities. People's names escaped me and I began to worry over my sanity.
- Maya Angelou
The hand is defined as "the organ of apprehension." How perfectly the definition fits my case in both senses of the word "apprehend"! With my hand I seize and hold all that I find in the three worlds—physical, intellectual, and spiritual.
- Helen Keller
For there is an attractiveness in beautiful bodies, in gold and silver, and all things; and in bodily touch, sympathy hath much influence, and each other sense hath his proper object answerably tempered.
- St. Augustine
Is love the sweetness of flowers?
- Helen Keller
And at the moment that our soul is breathed into our body, when we are created as sensory beings, mercy and grace at once begin to work, taking care of us and protecting us with pity and love; and during this process the Holy Spirit forms in our faith the hope that we shall rise up above again to our substance, into the virtue of Christ, increased and accomplished through the Holy Spirit.
- Julian of Norwich