Quotes about Simplicity
By my intimacy with nature I find myself withdrawn from man. My interest in the sun and the moon, in the morning and the evening, compels me to solitude.
- Henry David Thoreau
Our Lord has deigned to make me understand that by simple obedience I shall please Him best.
- St. Therese of Lisieux
If we examine the poems of Thérèse of Lisieux at all, they reveal themselves richer than we first thought. And this is the problem with her poetry: We have to go beyond the simple style, which is naturally and deliberately artless—as is fitting for a "Carmelite poem"—to discover the treasures it conceals.
- St. Therese of Lisieux
you must be always as a drop of dew hidden in the heart of this beautiful Lily of the valley ... One must be so little to draw near to Jesus, and few are the souls that aspire to be little and unknown. ... Our Beloved needs neither our brilliant deeds nor our beautiful thoughts. ... The Lily of the valley asks but a single dewdrop, which for one night shall rest in its cup, hidden from all human eyes.
- St. Therese of Lisieux
Most of the men had simple souls. They could relate facts, but they said very little about what they dimly felt.
- Theodore Roosevelt
By two wings is man lifted above earthly things, even by simplicity and purity. Simplicity ought to be in the intention, purity in the affection.
- Thomas a Kempis
If you wish to draw profit, read with humility, simplicity, and faith, and never with the design of gaining a reputation for learning.
- Thomas a Kempis
And whatsoever thou art not enabled to understand, that commit without anxiety to Almighty God. God deceiveth thee not; he is deceived who believeth too much in himself. God walketh with the simple, revealeth Himself to the humble, giveth understanding to babes, openeth the sense to pure minds, and hideth grace from the curious and proud. Human reason is weak and may be deceived; but true faith cannot be deceived.
- Thomas a Kempis
Rest from inordinate desire or knowledge, for therein is found much distraction and deceit.
- Thomas a Kempis
When life feels heavy, these two remedies relieve life's complexities: simplicity and purity. Simplicity seeks God. Purity enjoys him.
- Thomas a Kempis
Simplicity ought to be in the intention, purity in the affection.
- Thomas a Kempis
The more a man hath unity and simplicity in himself, the more things and the deeper things he understandeth; and that without labour, because he receiveth the light of understanding from above. The spirit which is pure, sincere, and steadfast, is not distracted though it hath many works to do, because it doth all things to the honour of God, and striveth to be free from all thoughts of self-seeking.
- Thomas a Kempis