Quotes about Disapproval
But, as Bannon emphasized, he was never going to get the facts right, nor was he ever going to acknowledge that he got them wrong, so therefore he was not going to get that approval. This meant, next best thing, that he had to be aggressively defended against the media's disapproval.
- Michael Wolff
And seeing that his father Isaac disapproved of the Canaanite women,
- Genesis 28:8
or the LORD will see and disapprove, and turn His wrath away from him.
- Proverbs 24:18
But his subjects hated him and sent a delegation after him to say, ‘We do not want this man to rule over us.’
- Luke 19:14
Church existed because of love and forgiveness, not because of man's accusations and disapproval.
- Cindy Woodsmall
I dislike arguments of any kind. They are always vulgar and often convincing.
- Oscar Wilde
No matter what you do, 10% of the population will not like you.
- Joyce Meyer
I stand there on the top step, frozen with hate. What I hate is not Grace or even Cordelia. I can't go as far as that. I hate Mrs. Smeath, because what I thought was a secret, something going on among girls, among children, is not one. It has been discussed before, and tolerated. Mrs. Smeath has known and approved. She has done nothing to stop it. She thinks it serves me right.
- Margaret Atwood
Silence is the most perfect expression of scorn.
- George Bernard Shaw
He was not the Model Boy of the village. He knew the model boy very well though—and loathed him.
- Mark Twain
All men speak in bitter disapproval of the Devil, but they do it reverently, not flippantly; but Father Adolf's way was very different; he called him by every name he could lay his tongue to, and it made everyone shudder that heard him; and often he would even speak of him scornfully and scoffingly; then the people crossed themselves and went quickly out of his presence, fearing that something fearful might happen.
- Mark Twain
Americans already believed Carter was wasting too much time on the Middle East when there were more pressing problems at home. The country was experiencing double-digit inflation coupled with high unemployment and anemic growth—a confounding phenomenon tagged "stagflation." As for the president's job performance, the two dreaded lines on the graph finally crossed in the spring of 1978, with more Americans disapproving
- Lawrence Wright