Quotes about Battle
We cannot know what prayer is for until we know that life is war.
- John Piper
God is always at war with sin.
- G Campbell Morgan
You live in a world at war. Spiritual attack must be a category you think in or you will misunderstand more than half of what happens in your marriage.
- John Eldredge
I think war is a dangerous place.
- George W. Bush
Just make sure that you fight the battle God has given you, and not one of your own making.
- Susan May Warren
Surrender is not a Ranger word. Fine. Let the battle begin.
- Susan May Warren
We're always at war with good and evil in this world. No one escapes it. It's how we see it, how we recognize it that engages us in battle.
- Susan May Warren
Evil always seeks to betray. To destroy and separate and instill fear. And, on that day, evil won. But that doesn't mean we surrender the battle. We will not dishonor those who paid the ultimate price for freedom by giving up. Evil wants to shut you down. Shame you. Destroy your relationships. Keep you from being the person you can be. Don't let it.
- Susan May Warren
Sometimes the biggest enemy you have is down deep in your own soul.
- Chris Fabry
I think it is time for a modern War Against Error. A deliberately heightened battle against cultivated ignorance, enforced silence, and metastasizing lies. A wider war that is fought daily by human rights organizations in journals, reports, indexes, dangerous visits, and encounters with malign oppressive forces. A hugely funded and intensified battle of rescue from the violence that is swallowing the dispossessed.
- Toni Morrison
Keep in mind as you face Satan's tricks of deception that you cannot fight him on your own, with your own methods, or even with your own thoughts. God's Word—His truth—trumps Satan. You don't. Satan has constitutional superiority over every man and woman because he is a spirit being.
- Tony Evans
This is why Satan loves to see divorce among Christian couples. If he can get husbands and wives fighting each other over their disagreements and personality conflicts and preferences, then they will miss the bigger battle altogether.
- Tony Evans